How are people running through closed gates on TikTok?

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How do people make it look like they are running through a fence on TikTok?

For you pages around the world are being flooded with brain bending videos of people and pets running through closed gates and fences. There have been a number of videos posted where people seem to teleport through a fence or closed gate like a ghost. At first I thought it was just some kind of trick but the more I watched the more confused I got. People around the world are wondering how people on TikTok make it look like they run through a closed gate. In this piece we will break down some of the most common theories and get to the bottom of how people make it look like they are running through a closed gate or fence.

How do people make it look like they are running through a fence on TikTok?

Okay so if you are here you are probably as confused as I was when I saw the videos on TikTok of people running through a fence or closed gate. When I first saw the video I knew something was off. Turns out there is something seriously off. How could it be possible for someone to just run right through a closed gate? Is it an illusion, is it photoshop, is it special effects? I had no idea. It got me asking the question “how to make it look like you are running through a gate on TikTok.

The answer to this question is that it is an illusion that is created with an open gate and camera angles. The TikToker opens the gate just enough so that they are able to run through. They then set up the camera in such a way that it appears as though the gate is actually closed. When they film themselves quickly running through the open gate it looks like they are running through a closed gate. It is insane how well this illusion works. In many of the videos we have seen the effect is almost seamless. It looks like they used special effects to make it look like they run through the gate when in fact it is just a simple illusion.

How to make it look like you are running through a closed gate on TikTok

How to make it look like you are running through a closed gate on TikTok

If you want to recreate this effect for yourselves, you will need a fence with a gate that is semi transparent. Metal fences with bars or mesh work best. If your fence is solid wood the effect will not work. The first thing you need to do is crack the gate wide enough so that you can easily and quickly run through the opening. Next, you will need to position your camera so that it looks like the gate is still closed. Now all you have to do is film. Pace around for a little bit and act natural then run through the gate. If all goes well it will look like you ran through a closed gate or fence.

If you have any questions about how to make it look like you are running through a fence on TikTok comment below!

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